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September 9, 2023

What is a Culinary Arts Certificate?

Are you interested in culinary arts but don’t have the time to spend 2- to 4- years in college? Did you know that there is an alternative to degree programs for culinary arts? Los Angeles Hospitality Education Center offers a Culinary Arts certificate that can be completed in as little as 6 months. That way you are fully trained in culinary arts and can start working in a fraction of the time compared to your fellow college cohorts. So, what is a culinary arts certificate?

What is a Culinary Arts Certificate?

The six-month Culinary Arts certificate program at Los Angeles Hospitality Education Center prepares you for a career in the food service industry. This preparation is accomplished through practical experiences in simulated commercial kitchens, including simulated situations with real-world production applications.

This Culinary Arts certificate program provides an overview of proper identification, usage, cleaning, safety, handling, and care procedures for a variety of culinary tools including refrigeration equipment, fixed equipment, cooking equipment, hand tools, and appliances. Special emphasis is given to the study of ingredients, cooking theories, and the preparation of stocks, broths, glazes, soups, thickening agents, the mother sauces, and emulsion sauces.

This Culinary Arts Certificate Program offers the following courses:

  • Introduction to Cooking I
  • Sanitation and Safety
  • Production Identification
  • Introduction to Cooking II
  • Culinary Nutrition
  • Recipes and Menus
  • Environmental Sustainability Practices

What is the Difference Between a Culinary Arts Degree and Certificate?

There are many similarities and differences between a culinary arts degree and certificate. Here are the most common differences:

Length of Program

It is no secret that Masters, Bachelors, and Associate Degrees take anywhere from 2- to 4-years to complete. They offer a similar curriculum and in kitchen training as do certificate programs, but they also offer additional soft skills. Attending a 4-year college is an experience, with elective classes, athletics, college clubs and fraternity/sororities to choose from. If this is something that is important to you then attending a traditional college may be the answer. However, if you want to complete your education in 6 months and start working, then consider Los Angeles Hospitality Education Center.

Management Potential

After receiving your certificate in Culinary Arts and getting some work experience, you may find opportunities to advance in your career to a management position. However, if this is something that you want to do right away, a bachelor’s degree may help you attain a management position right out of college. That being said, you can start a restaurant or food truck right out of culinary school with a certificate. So, you have options. Take advantage of those options and start working in the culinary industry today.

General Education

The Bachelor and Associate Culinary Arts degrees include classes like Math, English and communication in addition to the culinary training courses that are important to work in a kitchen. Although a well-rounded education is important and having soft skills like communication are helpful, those that don’t have the time to spend a few extra years in the classroom can find other ways to improve soft skills. Rather, they can take a certificate program in Culinary Arts and focus on the food theory and cooking skills needed to jump into a job in a restaurant kitchen.

Career Services

Did you know that most vocational schools offer career services assistance? This isn’t the case at traditional colleges. Los Angeles Hospitality Education Center offers career services that include resume building, interview preparation, and job matching. We have strong ties to the community and Los Angeles restaurant owners know that LAHEC graduates are ready to start working and are fully trained in the art of food. When you are ready to graduate from LAHEC, we are ready to help you find a job you are passionate about.

Final Thoughts

Now that you know the difference between a culinary arts certificate and degree, it is time to learn more about Los Angeles Hospitality Education Center. Start working toward your dream job in culinary arts and LAHEC will be with you every step of the way.

Want to Learn More?

The objective of the Culinary Arts program is to provide market-driven
competency-based education delivered by faculty with appropriate credentials and industry experience. This program prepares graduates for entry-level culinary employment with opportunities for advancement in the food service industry.

Contact us now to learn more.


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